Tuesday, July 22, 2008


SoAndSo said...

Don't be nervous. The worst that can happen is you bring the Internet crashing down and accelerate global warming. Sure, they'll take away a few of your children, but that's not necessarily a bad thing is it? Relax.

Heretoday said...

Aren't you ambitious understanding kids??? I have decided that that is not meant to be. As for blogging I'm sure we will all get the hang of it pretty quickly especially as we will be 'posting' on a weekly basis.
Blog on ......

NSL Training Support Team said...

You may have noted by now there is quite a lot of fiction on the Web!Good thing us library people are good at questioning!

This is my first post.

I have been so nervous about setting this up.
Do hope it works. It feels like I have spent hours on this computer!!!